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Blue rose bouquets in Ireland


Send a bouquet of Blue Roses online with delivery in Ireland with Cyber-Florist!

Sending a bouquet is always a good way to show that you care. But sending a bouquet of blue roses is something special.

Tender and deep blue roses are perfect and to show your sincerest feelings.

Cyber Florist offers different options of arranging a bouquet with blue roses.

Blue roses are made by dying white roses in a very special way. Our florists will prepare very nice bouquets.

THey will remain fresh just as ordinary fresh flowers if you put them in water. As an additional option you can order a glass vase for this bouquet, so the flowers will remain fresh for a longer time.

Blue roses can be arranged in a bouquet wraped with greens. It is clean deep blue bouquet, in delicate and mysterious style.

Blue roses also could be arranged in a mixed bouquet along with white roses. This mix of blue and white colors alongs with greens is a very nice addition to any congratulations.

Both bouquets can be delivered in a glass vase as an additional option.

Both bouquets have size options from small to large. You can select the size option you need when ordering delivery. This affects both the amount of flowers used to compose this bouquet and the cost of the bouquet.

You can add additional options to any bouquet of blue roses: a box of chocolates, a plush toy, a cake, and balloons. You can select all of these options at once, or just one or several of them. They will be added to the order value and delivered with blue roses. Don't forget to put your gift message to the recipient when ordering flower delivery. We will print your message for free on a sheet of paper, or we can print it on a nice card for just a little extra.

Order blue roses delivery with delivery in Ireland with Cyber Florist - It is easy, and you can order them from anywhere in the world using our website online. We accept all major online payments, such as credit cards or paypal.

If you are looking for more traditional and classic floral gifts you can also try to choose one of our flower bouquets in Ireland.

Also, there are many different bouquets including classic natural roses. They are all collected here.

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